Sunday, December 6, 2015

Head To Head Wolf Vs Rhoden

Head To Head Wolf Vs Rhoden

Through 2013-2014 we have seen one of the greatest and most spirited rivalries of two competitors who are both on the brink of challenging Kai and phil to the Olympia title in the near future. These two athletes are of course Dennis Wolf and Shawn Rhoden. Both are top 3 olympians and both have vastly contrasting physiques. Wolf possesses huge amounts of hard shredded muscle while Shawn is one of the more genetically gifted bodybuilders with crazy lines, full muscle bellies and extremely aesthetic flow.

Both are continuously back and forth in placings with fans divided on who actually has the best physique in bodybuilding. Here we are running through the 8 mandatory poses with analysis into the pro’s and con’s of each athlete and of course, who wins.
Posing Comparisons

  •     Front Double Biceps
  •     Front Lat Spread
  •     Side Chest
  •     Back Double Biceps
  •     Back Lat Spread
  •     Side Triceps
  •     Abs And Thighs
  •     Most Muscular

Head To Head Wolf Vs Rhoden 2014

Front Double Biceps

The front double biceps is one of those poses which greatly exposes the the contrasting physiques of both Rhoden and Wolf. In this pose we get the clear picture of just how massive and full Dennis is. His quad sweep and leg detail is superior and his lats flare so extremely he could take flight. Shawn is much more streamlined. Fantastic lines and muscle bellies from head to toe. His lat insertions are much lower giving him a more complete look to this pose. Shawn’s mid section is always razor tight in this pose giving the illusion of wider lats and shoulders.

This pose is a tough one, but Shawn’s completeness coupled with his tight waist, full arms and aesthetic flow wins this one clearly.
Front Double Biceps Mr Olympia 2014
Winner: Shawn Rhoden

Winner: Shawn Rhoden
Winner: Shawn Rhoden

Front Lat Spread

The two regather themselves and peer across at each other with a smirk before planting their feet and pushing their lats out in a battle of width and dominance. Dennis looks like a freak. His waist appears tiny, his shoulders extremely broad and his quads flare out to their fullest potential. Dennis’s chest is full and vascular but his lack of calves create the slightest of distractions from his otherwise flawless pose.

This is a good pose for Shawn, but not his best. From the waist down Rhoden looks almost unbeatable but then looking at the torso, his delts are much flatter than the Wolf’s and his chest just does not have the level of thickness and shape needed. Dennis takes another step forward and this pose is all but over.
Lat Spread Mr Olympia 2014
Winner: Dennis Wolf

Side Chest

Another close pose, and they both know it. Shawn appears hard, shredded and impossibly aesthetic in one of his stronger poses. From the side we see incredible leg development and detail with the calves to match as well as a peeled midsection and striated glutes. Everything flows beautifully. Shawn’s muscle bellies seem so round that it looks like they are inflated with air.

Dennis, an almost complete opposite here. The mass is overpowering Shawn and although Dennis’s physique does not flow as well, the sheer size, graininess and vascularity takes centre stage. At first Dennis looks like he has it in the bag but afterwards we see him struggling to hold his midsection tight. Shawn is just too aesthetic to overlook.
chest Mr Olympia 2014
Winner: Shawn Rhoden

Back Double Biceps

The two turn to their rear, exchange a few competitive words of encouragement and strike the pose. Dennis is vascular and grainy, this becomes immediately apparent. His delts are the size of cannonballs and every bit as hard. His arms look good from behind, not great and although he has superior sweep to that Shawn, his hamstrings and calves from behind showcase the weaker side of the big bad wolf.

Shawn is always great in this pose. His hamstrings always pop and his glutes look as sharp as his diamond cut calves. However, similar to the front double bicep pose, he needs to be thicker from the waist up. His lats attach lower than Dennis’s making Shawn’s back infinitely more impressive overall.
Back double biceps shawn rhoden dennis wolf
Winner: Shawn Rhoden
Current Points:

Dennis Wolf: 1
Shawn Rhoden: 3

Back Lat Spread

Both play to the crowd before spiking their calves and spreading their lats wider than the eye can see. Dennis is noticeably bigger, there is no question but Shawn’s legs are much more complete, showcasing striated glutes and hamstrings. The judges look from the bottom up. Dennis knows his calves are lagging but he also knows that his massive and thick upper back will quickly draw the attention off of them.

Side by side, Shawn looks too thin in the torso. His overall back needs some serious added thickness and width to be competitive here. He may beat Dennis from the waist down on the back lat spread but this is a back pose, and Dennis knows it.
Back lat spread shawn rhoden dennis wolf
Winner: Dennis Wolf

Side Triceps

Another battle of mass and aesthetics. The only difference this time is that Dennis has both. His arms and delts are extremely vascular and heavily muscled and his chest appears thick, dense and hard. Shawn, like in the side chest pose has fantastic detail and lines from head to toe. Shawn’s physique flow is world class buy his triceps and delts look undersized from the side.

From the waist down the game changes completely. Usually we see Shawn with better legs from the front but in this pose Dennis is able to pop his hamstring out so greatly that it makes Shawn’s look almost non existent. Shawn has amazing aesthetics once again, but the mass and shape of Dennis here wins out. He’s just too massive.
side triceps Mr Olympia 2014
Winner: Dennis Wolf

Abs And Thighs

Dennis gives Shawn a friendly bump and reminds him that he is here to win. He knows this is one of Shawn’s stronger pose. The two begin by exhaling, flexing their abs and pulling their hands up behind their head. Both are amazingly impressive. Dennis’s waist to quad sweep ratio is cartoonish to say the least. Shawn on the other hand looks like he doesn’t even have a waist, it is impossibly small.

The detail in Dennis’s quads are some of the best in the world and his lats flare out, showcasing an impressive thick chest. Shawn’s legs look just as good. Dennis has him on quad sweep but Shawn’s deep lines and cross striations of coupled with his tiny waist and aesthetic flow is too good for the Wolf.
abs Mr Olympia 2014
Winner: Shawn Rhoden

Most Muscular

The final pose looms. Both give each other a nod before striking the pose as the crowd howls in awe. A few second pass and even the Shawn Rhoden fans know Dennis cannot be beaten here. Shawn shows his shredded abs great muscle bellies and deep striations all over, but this is a most muscular pose.

Dennis not only wins this pose, he dominates it. Preferring a crab most muscular pose, Dennis’s entire physique appears unbeatable. There is no flaw. His extreme grainy and hard appearance with truly freaky muscle and 3D-like muscle mass is too much for anyone to deal with. He looks thicker than the Colossus of Rhodes.
most muscular Mr Olympia 2014
Winner: Dennis Wolf
Current Points:

Dennis Wolf: 4
Shawn Rhoden: 4

Final Head To Head Decision

Both Dennis Wolf and Shawn Rhoden are incredibly talented athletes with huge future potential in the sport, but in bodybuilding there are no draws.

Our overall winner of this head to head is none other than Dennis ‘Big Bad’ Wolf. He is too massive for Shawn at this present time and his fantastic shape gives him the edge for now. Shawn continues to make improvements so we will have to wait for now to see if he can bring up his lagging back and nail his conditioning on stage.
The Winner: Dennis Wolf
Agree? Decide who you think takes the win. Vote now!
Dennis Wolf


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