Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Female body building workouts

It is quite satisfying to know that the conventional thought that bodybuilding was for men is starting to change. The days have gone when gyms were only open to men and Olympic weightlifting competitions as well as other such competitions were conducted only for male participants. In the last two decades or so, many women have taken up body building and there have been some great female bodybuilders that are famous for their physiques.

When we talk about body building, it is important to speak about it differently for men and for women. This is because of certain differences between the two; the most important being that due to the presence of a lot more testosterone as compared to women, men can have greater muscle growth than  women who do the same exercise. Men’s muscles grow faster and bigger. This accounts for the fact that there should be different workouts for the two sexes which would best benefit them.

One should also remember that with comparatively lower levels of testosterone, women will find body building harder than men do. However, they should not give up on it. While we are at it talking about hormones, it should also be pointed out that women have the hormone estrogen in abundant quantities which, unlike testosterone, aids the growth of fat. This is the reason muscles do not become too prominent in women initially. Therefore, women who want to build their bodies should do plenty of cardio training such as treadmill, cycling, etc. Doing cardio right in the morning on an empty stomach would certainly be a good idea but it is not possible for all to do.

Let us now name exercises that women should have in their workout for each body part. Each day card is a must. You can follow the following workout: Day 1 (Chest and triceps): Incline dumbbell press, dips, flat barbell bench, cable crossovers, and skull crushers. Day 2 (Quads, calves, hamstring): Seated leg curls, squats, standing calf raises, walking lunges and seated leg extensions. Day 3 (ABS): machine crunches, exercise ball crunch, bicycle crunches and hanging leg raises. Day 4 (back, forearms, and biceps): incline dumbbell curls, preacher curls barbell wrist curls, barbell rows. Day 5 (Delts and traps): cable front lateral raise, dumbbell military press, smith machine shrugs and dumbbell side lateral raise. Day 6: 35-45 minutes cardio and Day 7 rest.

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