Saturday, November 21, 2015

Bodybuilding for women

Bodybuilding for women

When we use the word body, building it is common to think of somebody building greats. Their pictures pop up in our heads almost immediately and it is actually hard not to admire their physiques. What is quite unfortunate is the fact that the bodybuilders that come to mind, most or all of them are men. It is a strange reality that the sport of body building consists of mostly men and the number of women in it are just a fraction of the number of men.
The society has had a great responsibility for this mismatch in the bodybuilding sport. Women find it strange to go to the gym, work out and let others know about their body building. In addition to this, some women fear that body building can change their figure to become hulk-like, that is, make them huge and that is something no woman would want. In order to maintain their feminine look, their work out just includes cardio training such as using the treadmill, cycling, etc. All they try to do is to cut down on the fat in their bodies as much as they can and stay away from bodybuilding as much as they can.
For those who do not do body building because of the latter reason, let us ensure that they can never become as huge as men who build their bodies. Neither can they have big arms, chest and shoulder as male body builders have. This is because of some hormonal differences between the two sexes. The hormone testosterone, which is abundant in males and very low in females especially before 40 is very much responsible for the growth in muscle size. Its lower content in females is the reason they can never have as big muscles as men who also do body building.
Some of you might argue that you have seen female body builders who have huge body structures, look like men and you do not want to become like them. However, let us assure you that these are those women who do body building out of passion for having big, muscular bodies. Some of them train for the Olympics and actually want to have the bodies that they do. But they get there after years of determining body building. So if you do a little body building under the training of an instructor, you will become nothing like them and rather still manage to have better bodies than what you have currently.

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